Home / Activities / Communications and Video Production
Promoting achievements and being an agent of change

The BEQUAL’s communications and video production activities aim to increase awareness, knowledge and understanding of BEQUAL objectives, promote program achievements, advocate for gender equality and inclusive education principles and highlight the contributions development partners are making to the Lao education sector.
Since June 2018, BEQUAL communications has been evolving into a change management and implementation support tool aimed at raising awareness and ownership of the primary curriculum revision purpose and process, and motivating support for the systemic changes being introduced to primary teaching and learning. Communications activities are carefully designed to ensure relevant audiences receive messages to support effective primary curriculum implementation, continuing professional development and good teaching practices.
The communications and video production team works in close partnership with the E-Learning Section, the Information and Media Center and selected Teacher Training Colleges to identify communication opportunities and needs, produce appropriate communication products, and disseminate them to the relevant target audience. The communication activities build in capacity development through workshops, training and in-the-field practice for relevant Ministry of Education and Sports personnel. The communication team also collaborates with the Department of Planning, the Department of Teacher Education, the Research Institute for Educational Sciences, the Cabinet, and other departments as appropriate.
The communications team uses and constantly develops a wide range of communication tools and channels including brochures, articles and news stories, posters and banners, website, press and social media releases, public diplomacy events, teacher development videos, documentaries, TV and radio spots.