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By 2026, the management and support system for teacher continuous professional development for improved teaching is established, appropriately management and operational in targeted districts

BEQUAL is supporting the Ministry of Education and Sports of Lao PDR, particularly at the sub-national level, to improve policy, planning and coordination of activities that directly influence the quality of teaching.
During Phase 2, BEQUAL will work with the Department of Teacher Education (DTE) to strengthen the capacity of three targeted Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs) and 30 District Education and Sports Bureaus (DESB) in their catchment areas to plan for, manage, and monitor the implementation of inclusive school-based continuing professional development (CPD). As part of this approach, BEQUAL will support DTE to conceptualise principals’ roles in school based CPD and identify relevant professional development opportunities for principals to strengthen their instructional leadership skills. At a systems level BEQUAL is supporting DTE to identify opportunities to link relevant teacher management policies to the National Primary Teaching Standards.
Featured Teacher Management and Support activities