Technical staff are deployed at central and sub-national levels to help the Ministry implement the program with a focus on primary curriculum development, teacher professional development, teacher management and support, and integration of gender equality and inclusive education principles and practices.

Ministry of Education and Sports of Lao PDR
The Ministry of Education and Sports of Lao PDR is the leading Government agency of BEQUAL. The Ministry’s education vision to 2030 is to “create an opportunity for all Lao people to have equitable education access with a focus on education quality development”.

Australian Government
Australia is the largest bilateral donor to basic education in Lao PDR. BEQUAL is Australia’s flagship program in Lao PDR with an overall budget for the program of AU$80 million for Phase 1 from May 2015 to June 2022 and additional AU$33.5 million for Phase 2 from July 2022 to June 2026.

The United States Agency for International Development The purpose of the United States of America’s collaboration with Australia through BEQUAL Phase 2 is to expand USAID support for multigrade teaching, inclusive education and early grades Lao literacy development, with a focus on children from non Lao-Tai speaking groups. USAID support will also enable the establishment of an optimized ICT operating environment in BEQUAL’s Phase 2 target Teacher Training Colleges and districts. USAID is co-funding BEQUAL with a contribution of AU$2.7 million for the Phase 1 period from September 2017 to September 2019 and AU$3.5 million for the Phase 2 period from June 2023 to January 2025.
Until August 2020, additional budget was provided by the European Union for all activities.
Until 2018, BEQUAL also worked in partnership with Plan International, World Vision, Save the Children and ChildFund through the BEQUAL NGO Consortium to increase students and teachers’ participation in learning, particularly children with disabilities.