Supply and Configuration of 1,245 Samsung Tablets

Request for Quotation

Supply and Configuration of 1,245 Samsung Tablets

Tender Page Entry:

Online Briefing Date: Thursday 27th June 2023 at 10.00 Lao time

RFQ Closing Date: Monday 3rd July 2023 at 10:00 Lao time

Tetra Tech International Development is the Managing Contractor for the Basic Education Quality and Access in Education in Lao PDR Program (BEQUAL) under Contract to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Tetra Tech International Development is seeking to engage a suitably experienced and qualified supplier to provide and configure 1,245 Samsung A8 LTE tablets, develop customised Quick User Guides, re-package and deliver to a single location in central Vientiane.

How to Submit a Proposal

Request for Quotations documents can be downloaded from the links below.

BEQUAL RFQ 1245 Samsung Tablets Part ABC.pdf

BEQUAL RFQ 1245 Samsung Tablets Part D.docx

Proposals will only be eligible if they are fully completed on Part D and include the required documents and are submitted by email to [email protected].

Hard copy documents will NOT be accepted.

Online Tender Briefing Details:

A Zoom Meeting Link will be provided to interested suppliers to attend an online briefing session, by contacting [email protected].

Contact Officer: [email protected]