Australia Awards Short Courses are intensive training programs for targeted groups.
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Australia Awards Short Courses are tailored to develop knowledge and skills, address priority human resource development areas and build links between Australian organisations and partner organisations in Vietnam.
Australia Awards Short Courses bring Australian expertise in specific sectors to build Vietnamese skills, while strengthening professional networks for targeted participant groups.
Courses are flexible and respond to emerging and focused skills requirements. They can include work-based projects, on-the-job training, and coaching or mentoring, according to course aims.
Short Course Awards are delivered by an Australian university, TAFE or Registered Training Organisation, in Vietnam or Australia, or a combination of both. Courses can be delivered partly or wholly online.
They can provide recognised academic credit or statements of competency to Australian Qualifications Framework standards for participants who successfully complete course requirements.
Up to six Australia Awards Short Courses are offered each year through the Australia Awards office in Vietnam in collaboration with Vietnamese partner organisations to aspiring leaders, change makers and influencers seeking to develop new skills and increase their networks. Applications for these courses are limited and invitation only.