BEQUAL’s approach to Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) is consultative and participatory.
The objectives of BEQUAL’s MEL activities are to:
- Demonstrate to development partners and stakeholders’ accountability for the use of resources by monitoring expenditure and the quality and efficacy of activities and outputs, and their effectiveness in achieving outcomes.
- Enable ongoing performance improvement by monitoring implementation activities and progress towards outcomes.
- Learn and share knowledge about what works and what doesn’t, and under what situations. This is done through validation and reflection workshops, and by sharing the results of research and targeted evaluations with stakeholders.
- Inform approaches to replication and scaling-up what works. This is done through monitoring, targeted evaluations, and pilot projects.
- Building the capacity of government counterparts in MEL through mentoring and on the job training in addition to supporting the MoES M&E network. BEQUAL will also support MoES with review and improvement of monitoring the implementation plan for the revised primary curriculum and CPD system in target districts.
BEQUAL’s MEL system is flexible and adaptable, to respond to emerging implementation priorities and reflect the diversity of activities in the program. Where appropriate MEL tools use innovative technologies to increase accessibility of MEL information and deliver timely, accurate and relevant information to planners and decision makers. MEL drives mutual learning and continuous improvement across BEQUAL’s work with implementing partners towards a shared understanding of how to achieve sustainable outcomes.