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Addressing Gender Equality and Inclusive Education through mainstreamed and targeted activities

The BEQUAL program adopts a twin track approach to addressing Gender Equality and Inclusive Education (GE&IE), in close partnership with the Ministry of Education and Sports, including the Division for the Advancement of Women, Mothers and Children and the Inclusive Education Promotion Centre.
GE&IE is mainstreamed throughout the program. All activities integrate gender equality, disability and social inclusion, and do not discriminate. For example, primary curriculum materials, communications materials, and in-service training materials integrate GE&IE principles in content and imagery. Teacher guides include practical guidance and scripted prompts for teachers on how to achieve equality and inclusion in the classroom. In-service training materials include self-learning modules for teachers covering inclusive education principles and practices in the classroom.
BEQUAL is working closely with the Division for the Advancement of Women, Mothers and Children to create and train a team of 30 Gender Trainers who will be responsible for training others at provincial and district level. BEQUAL also supports the Division to develop their training handbooks on gender mainstreaming and preventing School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV).
Targeted activities are designed to transform social relations and improve gender equality, inclusion of people with disabilities and inclusion of people from diverse ethnic backgrounds. For example, the Spoken Lao Program is currently implemented in selected schools in 21 districts to test the effectiveness of providing extra support for oral language learning for children from non-Lao speaking backgrounds to help them develop the literacy skills they need for future learning. Communications campaigns and events are specifically designed to promote gender equality and disability and social inclusion.
Featured Gender Equity and Inclusive Education Activities