Ministry of Education and Sports and Australia congratulate educational staff at national and subnational level for their ongoing efforts to ensure successful implementation of the new primary curriculum despite COVID-19 challenges
New grade 3 materials are in schools, teachers are trained, grade 4 curriculum is in development. However, concerns were raised about schools still being closed

Ministry of Education, with support from Australia, doing online training for 28 districts to support teachers with the implementation of the new Grade 3 curriculum
Due to travel restrictions and local lockdowns, training has commenced last week online, taking this opportunity to develop participants’ skills for using online meeting platform

Ministry of Education and Sports and Australia release new materials on YouTube to support Grade 3 English teaching and learning
A new video demonstrating the 21 Grade 3 sounds as well as over 100 English audio tracks have just been released in the ດີໂອສໍາລັບການພັດທະນາຄູ Teacher Development Videos YouTube channel

Ministry of Education prepares implementation monitoring and evaluation frameworks for the ninth Education and Sports Sector Development 5-year Plan 2021-2025
This is the first time that the Ministry of Education and Sports has organized a workshop on the implementation of the 9th ESSDP 2021-2025 with participation at central ministry level with support from the Government of Australia

Ministry of Education and Sports launching a new docuseries “the Role Model Series” with the support of Australia to promote best teaching and inclusive education practices around Lao PDR
The media team from MoES travelled to Luang Prabang to interview the first role model, a passionate teacher and active learning expert who explained how this new practice helps children learn better

Minister of Education and Sports and Australian Ambassador observe the orientation training for Grade 3 teachers on the new improved primary curriculum
9,645 Grade 3 teachers and 366 pedagogical advisors are being trained across the country. The workshops are designed to ensure COVID-19 prevention measures

Ministry of Education and Sports, with support from Australia, hold the final workshop for approval of the trial results for the Primary Pre-Service Diploma Curriculum
The Representatives from relevant departments of MoES and Senior Management teams of all TTCs meet to review the development and implementation of each subjects and to approve the results of the Primary Pre-Service Diploma Curriculum trial