Ministry of Education and Sports and Australia launching an innovative blended learning pilot to provide ongoing support to primary teachers
Last week, Department of Teacher Education monitored remotely primary classroom observations by provincial trainers and provided live guidance via Zoom conference

Ministry of Education and Sports and Australian Government commit to continue to improve inclusion for children with disabilities in all aspects of education
In a joint event, MoES and Australia reflect on Inclusive Education with a series of testimonies and panel discussions from people living with disabilities and inclusive education experts

Progress in the development of the new Grade 3 textbooks and teacher guides
All curriculum subject teams including writers and layout staff from the Research Institute of Educational Sciences (RIES) attended a weeklong workshop to finalise the editing of the teaching and learning materials

Australia continues its support to the Ministry of Education and Sports of Lao PDR to improve Lao primary education with a focus on integration of gender and inclusive education approaches
Acknowledging the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, Australia also handed over videoconferencing equipment to the Ministry to facilitate online workshops, meetings and trainings

Australia will support two more districts from the 40 disadvantaged districts identified as a priority by the Ministry of Education and Sports to receive extra support
18 of the Ministry’s priority districts will receive extra support from Australia to strengthen the implementation of the revised primary curriculum, out of a total of 34 districts supported by Australia

Ministry of Education and Sports filming new training videos for the primary teachers
While teachers are being trained nationwide on the new Grade 2 curriculum, the Research Institute of Educational Sciences is producing new videos to train teachers on how to assess and support students’ learning