All textbooks should be covered for protection
A new video encourages teachers to share the do’s and don’ts of textbook care with their students
How do you take care of your textbooks? How do you keep them clean? How do you protect them? Often, young primary students do not know how to answer those questions.
Since 2019 when the first grade of the renewed primary curriculum was introduced, every school across the country has been receiving brand-new sets of textbooks and teacher guides, with one new grade per year. Textbooks are expensive, but with proper care, they can last a long time enabling future generations of students to use them for years to come.
The Information Media Center of the Ministry of Education and Sports of Lao PDR, with the support of the Australian Government and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the BEQUAL program, has produced a new video to raise awareness of the main do’s and don’ts of textbook care. The campaign is targeting primary teachers to remind them of their role in ensuring proper textbook care. Teachers should explain to the children and their parents how to take care of their textbooks by treating them carefully and storing them responsibly.

Students using their texbooks during break time

Teacher explaining how to take care of the textbooks
The video highlights simple advice such as: teachers should demonstrate how to cover the textbooks at the beginning of the school year and repair them immediately if they are damaged. Teachers should also explain to the students not to fold the textbooks, not to write inside, and not to eat or drink while reading as textbooks should also be kept away from water, food and dirt. Students need to take their textbooks home with them, so they can do homework and revise their lessons. Therefore, it is important that teachers show students how to transport their books carefully by laying them flat in their bag. Teachers can also help students and parents understand how to store textbooks carefully in a clean and dry place such as a cupboard or shelf at home.
The video was filmed in a local school and the teacher and students enjoyed being actors for two days. They were very proud to participate in an educational video.
The TV spot is broadcasted on the Education and Sports TV (ESTV) on Lao Satellite channel 8 and on the ວິດີໂອສໍາລັບການພັດທະນາຄູ Teacher Development Videos YouTube channel.
You can view the VDO from this link

Information Media Center team ready for filming