The videos explore different techniques to assess and support students’ learning

The “ວິດີໂອສໍາລັບການພັດທະນາຄູ Teacher Development Videos” channel was created to help teachers develop their skills in using the new improved National Primary Curriculum that was launched in September 2019.

The videos demonstrate key new teaching techniques and show effective practices to apply to solve teaching challenges. They can be used by teachers, principals, pedagogical advisors and teacher trainers for additional self-learning, lesson preparation or to refresh a specific teaching technique.

Three new teacher development videos have just been released on assessment techniques. Assessment is an important part of the learning process. It is not only about scoring students but also about finding out what students know and where the gaps are in their learning to be able to address these gaps.

All videos provide detailed explanations and live classroom demonstrations to help the teachers understand the new pedagogical method. They use real examples from educators teaching the new improved national primary curriculum in Lao classrooms.

The videos were produced by the Research Institute for Educational Sciences with the support of Australia and the European Union, through the BEQUAL program.

Here is the list of videos and learning resources available for free on the YouTube Channel “ວິ​ດີ​ໂອ​ສຳ​ລັບ​ການ​ພັດ​ທ​ະ​ນາ​ຄູ Teacher Development Videos”

Lao Language

Teaching and learning techniques and resources from the new Lao Language curriculum.

  • Grade 1 Teaching and Learning Techniques 1-3
  • Grade 1 Teaching and Learning Techniques 4-5
  • Grade 1 Teaching and Learning Techniques 6-7
  • Grade 1 Teaching and Learning Techniques 8-9
  • Grade 1 Teaching and Learning Techniques 10-12
  • Grade 1 Teaching and Learning Techniques 15
  • Using Decodable Readers (part 1)
  • Using Decodable Readers (part 2)

Classroom management

Strategies and approaches to help you manage students and activities.

  • Managing Classes Outside

Assessing Learners

Techniques and approaches to effectively assess students

  • Assessing Learning by Rubrics
  • Observation techniques to assess learning NEW
  • Questioning techniques to assess learning NEW
  • Providing support during and after the assessment NEW

Professional development

Peer-to-peer learning activities for continuing professional development.

  • Classroom Observation and feedback

Music and songs

Songs to use in the classroom for the new primary curriculum.

  • 46 songs for the Grade 1 and 2 orientation week, Lao Language, music and Physical Education classes

More videos on Grade 2 and 3 Lao Language, Sciences and English subjects as well as training videos on teaching skills are now in production…

So, stay tuned


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