On this occasion, Australia and Ministry of Education and Sports visited the Information Media Centre studio and congratulated the team for their progress in Gender Equality and Inclusive Education

The Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) and the Government of Australia have a strong partnership in education sector development, including the development of a wide range of communications activities with MoES’ Information Media Centre (IMC) to support successful implementation of the new primary curriculum. Today, Mrs. Anna Dyason, first secretary of the Australian Embassy officially handed over to MoES Research Institute for Educational sciences (RIES) filming (1 mirrorless camera with adapter and lens, 1 Pro stabilizer and 1 drone camera) and sound equipment (1 microphone) as well as IT materials (3 laptops, 4 desktops, 1 disk station) for a total value of $AU36,000 (approximatively 375,000,000 kip).

Dr Onekeo Nuannavong, Director General of RIES said “On behalf of the Ministry of Education and Sports, I would like to thank Australia for their continuous support to the education sector in Laos. The equipment will be used by RIES IMC department to produce videos and docuseries to support the changes in the new primary teaching and learning practices.”

Mr. Sousakhone Sipaseuth, Director of IMC said “The role of media and communications is key to supporting the changes introduced with the new curriculum. Thanks to Australia’s support through the BEQUAL program, we have been able to raise awareness of, advocate for, and showcase best practices such as active learning, student-centered pedagogy, teacher education and training, as well as inclusive education and women’s empowerment.”

The participants were given a tour of the editing and filming studio to see the team in action. Ms. Anna Dyason congratulated the IMC team for the progress on women’s empowerment “I am pleased to see the women in the team are also behind the camera and at the editing station, and not only coordinating and in front of the camera. Thanks to IMC leadership and the training workshops, the women in the team are now taking on more responsibility and undertaking a technical role in media production.” Australia, through the BEQUAL program, has been providing strong support and capacity development to the IMC team with a series of trainings on filming, editing, after effect and sound recording techniques. 50 per cent of the participants were women and three of them did not have previous experience with editing.

IMC is also progressive in inclusive education. All the videos produced with Australia’s support are dubbed in Lao Sign Language. Discussions on how to avoid gender, disability and ethnicity stereotypes and promote inclusion are included in briefing, script writing and casting stages of every production. Recently, IMC launched a new docuseries “the Role Model” to promote best teaching and inclusive education practices around Laos. It is based on interviews with teachers or trainers with exceptional teaching or inclusion practices that can inspire others.

Ms. Anna Dyason said “Australia is honored to support IMC in its task to inform, motivate and engage the different education stakeholders involved in the new curriculum implementation. I am looking forward to increased collaboration between IMC and the Government of Australia through BEQUAL Phase 2 to support new approaches in school-based continuing professional development.”

The programs produced by IMC can be watched every day on Education and Sports TV on Lao Sat Channel 8 – The Role Model docuseries is also accessible on the “ວິດີໂອສໍາລັບການພັດທະນາຄູ Teacher Development Videos” You Tube Channel.

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